This is a list of formulas encountered in Riemannian geometry. Einstein notation is used throughout this article. This article uses the "analyst's" sign convention for Laplacians, except when noted otherwise.
Christoffel symbols, covariant derivative
In a smooth coordinate chart, the Christoffel symbols of the first kind are given by

and the Christoffel symbols of the second kind by

is the inverse matrix to the metric tensor
. In other words,

and thus

is the dimension of the manifold.
Christoffel symbols satisfy the symmetry relations
or, respectively, 
the second of which is equivalent to the torsion-freeness of the Levi-Civita connection.
The contracting relations on the Christoffel symbols are given by


where |g| is the absolute value of the determinant of the matrix of scalar coefficients of the metric tensor
. These are useful when dealing with divergences and Laplacians (see below).
The covariant derivative of a vector field with components
is given by:

and similarly the covariant derivative of a
-tensor field with components
is given by:

For a
-tensor field with components
this becomes

and likewise for tensors with more indices.
The covariant derivative of a function (scalar)
is just its usual differential:

Because the Levi-Civita connection is metric-compatible, the covariant derivative of the metric vanishes,

as well as the covariant derivatives of the metric's determinant (and volume element)

The geodesic
starting at the origin with initial speed
has Taylor expansion in the chart:

![{\displaystyle R(u,v)w=\nabla _{u}\nabla _{v}w-\nabla _{v}\nabla _{u}w-\nabla _{[u,v]}w}](

Traceless Ricci tensor

(4,0) Riemann curvature tensor

The Weyl tensor has the same basic symmetries as the Riemann tensor, but its 'analogue' of the Ricci tensor is zero:

The Ricci tensor, the Einstein tensor, and the traceless Ricci tensor are symmetric 2-tensors:

First Bianchi identity

Second Bianchi identity

Contracted second Bianchi identity

Twice-contracted second Bianchi identity


is a vector field then

which is just the definition of the Riemann tensor. If
is a one-form then

More generally, if
is a (0,k)-tensor field then

A classical result says that
if and only if
is locally conformally flat, i.e. if and only if
can be covered by smooth coordinate charts relative to which the metric tensor is of the form
for some function
on the chart.
Gradient, divergence, Laplace–Beltrami operator
The gradient of a function
is obtained by raising the index of the differential
, whose components are given by:

The divergence of a vector field with components

The Laplace–Beltrami operator acting on a function
is given by the divergence of the gradient:

The divergence of an antisymmetric tensor field of type
simplifies to

The Hessian of a map
is given by

Kulkarni–Nomizu product
The Kulkarni–Nomizu product is an important tool for constructing new tensors from existing tensors on a Riemannian manifold. Let
be symmetric covariant 2-tensors. In coordinates,

Then we can multiply these in a sense to get a new covariant 4-tensor, which is often denoted
. The defining formula is

Clearly, the product satisfies

In an inertial frame
An orthonormal inertial frame is a coordinate chart such that, at the origin, one has the relations
(but these may not hold at other points in the frame). These coordinates are also called normal coordinates.
In such a frame, the expression for several operators is simpler. Note that the formulae given below are valid at the origin of the frame only.

be a Riemannian or pseudo-Riemanniann metric on a smooth manifold
, and
a smooth real-valued function on
. Then

is also a Riemannian metric on
. We say that
is (pointwise) conformal to
. Evidently, conformality of metrics is an equivalence relation. Here are some formulas for conformal changes in tensors associated with the metric. (Quantities marked with a tilde will be associated with
, while those unmarked with such will be associated with
Levi-Civita connection

(4,0) Riemann curvature tensor
Using the Kulkarni–Nomizu product:

- if
this can be written ![{\displaystyle {\tilde {R}}=e^{-2\varphi }\left[R-{\frac {4(n-1)}{(n-2)}}e^{-(n-2)\varphi /2}\Delta \left(e^{(n-2)\varphi /2}\right)\right]}](
Traceless Ricci tensor

(3,1) Weyl curvature

for any vector fields 

Laplacian on functions

The "geometer's" sign convention is used for the Hodge Laplacian here. In particular it has the opposite sign on functions as the usual Laplacian.
is Riemannian and
is a twice-differentiable immersion. Recall that the second fundamental form is, for each
a symmetric bilinear map
which is valued in the
-orthogonal linear subspace to
for all 
denotes the
-orthogonal projection of
onto the
-orthogonal linear subspace to
Mean curvature of an immersion
In the same setting as above (and suppose
has dimension
), recall that the mean curvature vector is for each
an element
defined as the
-trace of the second fundamental form. Then

Note that this transformation formula is for the mean curvature vector, and the formula for the mean curvature
in the hypersurface case is

is a (local) normal vector field.
be a smooth manifold and let
be a one-parameter family of Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian metrics. Suppose that it is a differentiable family in the sense that for any smooth coordinate chart, the derivatives
exist and are themselves as differentiable as necessary for the following expressions to make sense.
is a one-parameter family of symmetric 2-tensor fields.

The variation formula computations above define the principal symbol of the mapping which sends a pseudo-Riemannian metric to its Riemann tensor, Ricci tensor, or scalar curvature.
- The principal symbol of the map
assigns to each
a map from the space of symmetric (0,2)-tensors on
to the space of (0,4)-tensors on
given by

- The principal symbol of the map
assigns to each
an endomorphism of the space of symmetric 2-tensors on
given by

- The principal symbol of the map
assigns to each
an element of the dual space to the vector space of symmetric 2-tensors on

- Arthur L. Besse. "Einstein manifolds." Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (3) [Results in Mathematics and Related Areas (3)], 10. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987. xii+510 pp. ISBN 3-540-15279-2