List of butterflies of Pakistan
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The following is a list of the butterflies of Pakistan.
Family Papilionidae (Apollo butterflies and swallowtails)
[edit]Subfamily: Parnassiinae (Apollo butterflies)

- Hypermnestra helios (desert Apollo)
- Parnassius acco (varnished Apollo)
- Parnassius actius (pale keeled Apollo)
- Parnassius jacquemontii (keeled Apollo)
- Parnassius tianschanica (large keeled Apollo)
- Parnassius boedromius
- Parnassius charltonius (regal Apollo)
- Parnassius delphius (kafir banded Apollo)
- Parnassius epaphus (common red Apollo)
- Parnassius hardwickii (common blue Apollo)
- Parnassius inopinatus
- Parnassius loxias
- Parnassius simo (black-edged Apollo)
- Parnassius staudingeri (Karakoram banded Apollo)
- Parnassius stenosemus (Pir Panjal banded Apollo)
- Parnassius stoliczkanus (Ladak banded Apollo)
- Parnassius cardinalis (Astor banded Apollo)
Subfamily: Papilioninae (swallowtails, peacocks and mimes)

- Graphium cloanthus (glassy bluebottle)
- Graphium sarpedon (common bluebottle)
- Papilio alexanor (Alexanor or southern swallowtail or Baluchi yellow swallowtail)
- Papilio arcturus (blue peacock)
- Papilio clytia or Chilasa clytia (common mime)
- Papilio demoleus (lemon butterfly or lime butterfly)
Old World swallowtail (Papilio machaon) - Papilio machaon (common yellow swallowtail)
- Papilio polyctor or Papilio bianor (common peacock)
- Papilio polytes (common Mormon)
Papilio demoleus, Taxila - Atrophaneura polyeuctes (common windmill)
- Pachliopta aristolochiae (common rose)
Family Pieridae (whites and yellows)
[edit]Subfamily: Pierinae (whites)
- Leptosia nina (Psyche)
- Baltia shawi (Shaw's dwarf)
- Baltia butleri (Butler's dwarf or two-spotted dwarf)
- Euchloe charlonia (lemon white)
- Euchloe lucilla (pale lemon white)
- Euchloe belemia (striped white)
- Euchloe daphalis (pearl white)
- Pontia chloridice (lesser Bath white)
- Pontia callidice (lofty Bath white or peak white)
- Pontia daplidice (Bath white)
- Pontia glauconome (desert Bath white)
- Pieris devta (Chitral green-banded white)
- Pieris ajaka (Himalayan green-veined white or Murree green-veined white)
- Pieris deota (alpine or Kashmir large white)
- Pieris canidia (Asian cabbage white)
- Pieris rapae (small cabbage white)
- Pieris brassicae (large cabbage white)
- Aporia leucodice (Himalayan blackvein)
- Aporia nabellica (dusky blackvein)
- Delias belladonna (hill Jezebel)
- Delias sanaca (pale Jezebel)
- Delias eucharis (common Jezebel)
- Belenois aurota (pioneer)
- Cepora nerissa (common gull)
- Pareronia hippia (Indian wanderer)
- Appias libythea (western striped albatross)
Subfamily: Coliadinae (yellows)
- Catopsilia pomona (common emigrant or lemon migrant butterfly)
- Catopsilia pyranthe (mottled emigrant or white migrant butterfly)
Catopsilia pyranthe, Taxila - Ixias pyrene (yellow orangetip)
- Ixias marianne (white orangetip) not confirmed
- Eurema hecabe (common grass yellow)
- Eurema brigitta (small grass yellow)
- Eurema laeta (short-bordered or spotless grass yellow)
- Eurema blanda (three-spot grass yellow)
- Gonepteryx rhamni (common brimstone)
- Gonepteryx mahaguru (lesser brimstone)
- Gonepteryx farinosa (Chitral brimstone) (subspecies G. f. chitralensis)
- Colias fieldii (dark clouded yellow)
- Colias erate (pale clouded yellow)
Colias erate, Taxila - Colias marcopolo (Marcopolo's clouded yellow)
- Colias alpherakii (green clouded yellow)
- Colias wiskotti (broad-bordered clouded yellow)
- Colias stoliczkana (orange clouded yellow)
- Colias cocandica (Pamir clouded yellow)
- Colias ladakensis (Ladak clouded yellow)
- Colias eogene (fiery clouded yellow)
- Colias leechi (glaucous clouded yellow)
- Colotis amata (small salmon Arab)
- Colotis protractus (blue-spotted Arab)
- Colotis vestalis (white Arab)
- Colotis fausta (large salmon Arab)
- Colotis liagore (desert orangetip)
- Colotis etrida (little or small orangetip)
Colotis etrida, Taxila - Colotis danae (crimsontip or scarlet-tip)
Family Nymphalidae (brush-footed butterflies)
This huge family is represented in Pakistan by following 11 subfamilies:
- Charaxinae 1 species
- Apaturinae 5 species
- Calinaginae 1 species
- Biblidinae 1 species
- Nymphalinae 28 species
- Cyrestinae 1 species
- Limenitidinae 8 species
- Heliconiinae 15 species
- Danainae 4 species
- Libytheinae 2 species
- Satyrinae 55 species
Subfamily: Charaxinae (leafwings)
- Polyura athamas (common nawab)
Subfamily: Apaturinae (emperors and allies)
- Apatura ambica (Indian purple emperor)
- Hestina nicevillei (scarce siren)
- Sephisa dichroa (western courtier)
- Limenitis lepechini (Chitral white admiral)
- Limenitis trivena (Indian white admiral)
Subfamily: Calinaginae (freaks)
- Calinaga buddha (freak)
Subfamily: Biblidinae (castors etc.)
- Ariadne merione (common castor)
Subfamily: Nymphalinae (nymphs, fritillaries, pansies, eggflies, etc.)
- Junonia hierta (yellow pansy)
- Junonia orithya (blue pansy)
- Junonia almana (peacock pansy)
- Junonia lemonias (lemon pansy)
- Junonia iphita (chocolate pansy or chocolate soldier)
- Junonia atlites (grey pansy)
- Vanessa indica (Indian red admiral)
- Vanessa atalanta (red admiral)
- Vanessa cardui (painted lady)
- Kaniska canace (blue admiral)
- Polygonia egea (eastern comma)
- Polygonia c-album (comma)
- Nymphalis vaualbum (false comma or comma tortoiseshell)
- Nymphalis xanthomelas (large tortoiseshell or scarce tortoiseshell or yellow-legged tortoiseshell)
- Nymphalis polychloros (blackleg large tortoiseshell)
- Aglais caschmirensis (Indian tortoiseshell)
- Aglais rizana (mountain tortoiseshell)
- Hypolimnas misippus (Danaid eggfly)
- Hypolimnas bolina (great eggfly)
- Melitaea shandura (Shandur fritillary)
- Melitaea persea, M. p. dodgsoni (Persian fritillary or desert fritillary)
- Melitaea lutko (Balochi fritillary)
- Melitaea trivia, M. t. robertsi (lesser spotted fritillary)
- Melitaea didyma, M. d. mixta mixta (spotted fritillary or red-band fritillary or fiery fritillary)
- Melitaea chitralensis (Chitral redband fritillary)
- Melitaea minerva (Pamir fritillary)
- Melitaea arcesia, M. s. balbita (blackvein fritillary)
- Melitaea ala or Melitaea pseudoala
Subfamily: Cyrestinae (maps)
- Cyrestis thyodamas (common map butterfly)
Subfamily: Limenitidinae (sergeants, sailers, barons, etc.)
- Limenitis trivena (Indian white admiral)
- Limenitis lepechini (Chitral white admiral)
- Athyma opalina (hill sergeant or Himalayan sergeant)
- Neptis sappho (Pallas's sailer or common glider)
- Neptis mahendra (Himalayan sailer)
- Neptis zaida (pale-green sailer)
- Neptis soma (sullied sailer)
- Neptis nata (clear sailer)
- Euthalia aconthea (common baron)
- Euthalia patala (grand duchess)
Subfamily: Heliconiinae (heliconians or longwings)
- Phalanta phalanta (common leopard)
- Acraea violae (tawny coster or Indian acraea) synonym: Telchinia violae
- Issoria lathonia (Queen of Spain fritillary)
- Issoria isaea (Himalayan queen fritillary)
- Argynnis hyperbius (tropical or Indian fritillary)
- Argynnis pandora pasargades (cardinal or western silverstripe)
- Argynnis childreni (large silverstripe or Himalayan fritillary)
- Speyeria aglaja (dark green fritillary)
- Fabriciana jainadeva
- Fabriciana kamala (common silverstripe)
- Fabriciana argyrospilata (Afghan fritillary)
- Clossiana jerdoni (Jerdon's silverspot)
- Clossiana hegemone (whitespot (false) fritillary)
- Boloria pales (straightwing silverspot or shephard`s fritillary)
Subfamily: Danainae (milkweed butterflies)
- Tirumala limniace (blue tiger)
- Danaus genutia (common or striped tiger or Indian monarch)
- Danaus chrysippus (plain tiger)
Danaus chrysippus, Taxila - Euploea core (common crow)
Subfamily: Libytheinae (beaks)
- Libythea celtis (common beak)
- Libythea celtis (European beak or nettle tree butterfly)
Subfamily: Satyrinae (browns)
- Lethe verma (straight-banded tree brown)
- Lethe rohria (common tree brown)
- Lethe confusa (banded tree brown)
- Lasiommata schakra (common wall)
- Lasiommata maerula (Kashmir wall or scarce wall)
- Lasiommata ananda (Chitral wall)
- Lasiommata menava (dark wall)
- Kirinia eversmanni (yellow wall)
- Hyponephele pulchra (dusky meadow brown or beautiful meadow brown)
- Hyponephele pulchella (tawny meadow brown)
- Hyponephele carbonelli (Baltistan meadowbrown)
- Hyponephele narica (tawny branded meadow brown)
- Hyponephele lupina (Branded meadow brown or Oriental meadow brown)
- Hyponephele davendra (white-ringed meadow brown)
- Hyponephele tenuistigma (lesser white-ringed meadow brown)
- Maniola mandane (oval spot meadow brown)
- Hyponephele hilaris (Pamir meadow brown)
- Coenonympha myops subspecies macmahoni (Balochi heath)
- Hipparchia parisatis (white-edged rock brown)
- Eumenis thelephassa (Baluchi rock brown)
- Hipparchia persephone subspecies enervata (dark rock brown)
- Chazara heydenreichi subspecies shandura (Shandur rock brown)
- Pseudochazara mniszechii subspecies gilgitica (tawny rock brown) synonym: Eumenis baldiva
- Pseudochazara annieae (Annie's rockbrown)
- Satyrus pimpla (dark or black satyr)
- Karanasa bolorica (Turkestan satyr)
- Karanasa leechi subspecies hunza (Leech's satyr)
- Karanasa digna (Chitrali satyr) synonym: Kanetisa digna
- Karanasa pupilata (Chitral satyr)
- Karanasa modesta (modest satyr)
- Karanasa astorica (Astor satyr)
- Karanasa huebneri (tawny satyr)
- Karanasa safeda (Safed Koh satyr)
- Karanasa cadesia (Moore's satyr)
- Hipparchia moorei (Turkestan satyr or Shandur satyr)
- Aulocera padma (great satyr)
- Aulocera swaha (common satyr)
- Aulocera saraswati (striated satyr)
- Callerebia nirmala (common argus)
- Callerebia annada (ringed argus)
- Callerebia scanda subspecies caeca (ringed argus)
- Callerebia kalinda (scarce mountain argus)
- Callerebia shallada (mountain argus)
- Paralasa mani (yellow argus) synonym: Erebia mani
- Ypthima inica (lesser threering)
- Ypthima nareda (large threering)
- Ypthima asterope (common threering or African ringlet)
- Ypthima huebneri (common fourring)
- Ypthima bolanica (desert fourring)
- Ypthima lisandra (jewel fourring) or Ypthima avanta
- Ypthima baldus (common fivering)
- Ypthima nikaea (Moore's fivering or West Himalayan five-ring) formerly Ypthima sakra (Himalayan fivering)
- Melanitis leda (common evening brown)
- Mycalesis perseus (common bush brown)
- Mycalesis nicotia (bright-eyed bush brown)
Family Lycaenidae (gossamer-winged butterflies)
[edit]Subfamily: Polyommatinae (blues)
- Castalius rosimon (common Pierrot)
- Tarucus balkanicus nigra (Balkan Pierrot or little tiger blue)
- Tarucus nara synonym: Tarucus extricatus (striped or rounded Pierrot)
- Tarucus indicus (Indian Pierrot)
- Tarucus rosacea or Tarucus mediterraneae (Balochistan Pierrot or Mediterranean Pierrot)
- Tarucus callinara (spotted Pierrot)
- Tarucus venosus (Himalayan Pierrot or veined Pierrot)
- Tarucus hazara (Hazara Pierrot)
- Leptotes plinius (zebra blue)
- Azanus jesous (African babul blue or topaz-spotted blue)
- Azanus ubaldus (bright babul blue or desert babul blue-or-velvet-spotted blue)
- Azanus uranus (dull babul blue or Indian babul blue)
- Cupido buddhista (Shandur Cupid or Buddhist blue)
- Cupido argiades diporides (Himalayan Cupid or Chapman's Cupid)
- Cupido argiades indica (short-tailed blue or tailed Cupid)
- Cupido huegelii (dusky-blue Cupid)
- Celastrina huegeli (large hedge blue)
- Celastrina ladonides or Celastrina gigas? (silvery hedge blue)
- Celastrina argiolus subspecies kollari (holly blue or hill hedge blue)
- Acytolepis puspa (common hedge blue)
- Oreolyce vardhana (dusky hedge blue)
- Pseudophilotes vicrama (lesser chequered blue or eastern baton blue)
- Aricia agestis subspecies nazira (brown argus)
- Eumedonia astorica (Astor argus)
- Eumedonia eumedon (streaked argus or geranium argus)
- Plebejus kwaja (dark jewel blue)
- Plebejus christophe (small jewel blue)
- Kretania beani (Balochi jewel blue or zephyr blue)
- Turanana cytis subspecies laspura (spotted argus blue)
- Turanana chitrali (Chitral argus blue)
- Agriades pheretiades (Tien Shan blue)
- Agriades jaloka (greenish mountain blue or Jaloka mountain blue)
- Agriades asiatica (azure mountain blue)
- Afarsia iris (jewel argus)
- Afarsia sieversii felicia (pale jewel blue)
- Pamiria omphisa (dusky green underwing)
- Glaucopsyche alexis (western green underwing or green-underside blue)
- Iolana gigantea subspecies gilgitica (Gilgit mountain blue)
- Plebejidea loewii (large jewel blue)
- Alpherakya sarta (brilliant meadow blue)
- Alpherakya devanica (dusky meadow blue)
- Polyommatus bogra (Balochi meadow blue)
- Polyommatus icarus (common blue or violet meadow blue)
- Polyommatus eros (common meadow blue)
- Polyommatus florenciae (silvery meadow blue)
- Chilades lajus (lime blue)
- Luthrodes contracta (small Cupid)
- Luthrodes pandava (plains Cupid or cycad blue)
- Freyeria trochylus (southern grass jewel)
- Pseudozizeeria maha (pale grass blue)
- Zizeeria karsandra (dark grass blue)
- Lachides galba subspecies phiala (small desert blue or Persian grass blue)
- Zizina otis (lesser grass blue)
- Zizula hylax or Zizula gaika (tiny grass blue or Gaika blue)
- Euchrysops cnejus (gram blue or spotted pea blue)
- Catochrysops strabo (forget-me-not)
- Lampides boeticus (pea blue or long-tailed pea blue)
- Jamides celeno (common cerulean)
- Jamides bochus (dark cerulean)
- Prosotas nora (common lineblue or Nora lineblue or long-tailed lineblue)
- Prosotas dubiosa (tailless lineblue or small purple lineblue)
Subfamily: Lycaeninae (coppers and sapphires)
- Lycaena metallica (small green underwing)
- Lycaena galathea (large green underwing)
- Lycaena pavana (white-bordered copper)
- Lycaena phlaeas (small copper or common copper)
- Lycaena kasyapa (green copper)
- Lycaena solskyi subspecies aditya (golden copper)
- Lycaena caspius (purple copper)
- Lycaena phoenicurus (Baluchi copper)
- Lycaena lampon (Persian fiery copper)
- Heliophorus sena (sorrel sapphire)
- Heliophorus bakeri (western blue sapphire)
- Heliophorus tamu (powdery green sapphire)
Subfamily: Theclinae (hairstreaks and allies)
- Neolycaena connae (Baluchi hairstreak)
- Callophrys rubi (green hairstreak)
- Superflua sassanides (whiteline hairstreak)
- Euaspa milionia (water hairstreak)
- Thecla ziha (white-spotted hairstreak)
- Chrysozephyrus ataxus (wonderful hairstreak)
- Chrysozephyrus syla (silver hairstreak)
- Chaetoprocta odata (walnut blue)
- Arhopala dodonaea (pale Himalayan oakblue)
- Amblypodia rama (dark Himalayan oakblue)
- Arhopala alemon (Indian oakblue)
- Panchala ganesa (tailless bushblue or tailless oakblue)
- Tajuria cippus (peacock royal)
- Deudoryx epijarbas (cornelian)
- Virachola isocrates (common guava blue)
- Rapala manea (slate flash)
- Rapala iarbus (common red flash)
- Rapala nissa (common flash)
- Rapala extensa (Chitral flash)
- Baspa melampus (Indian red flash)
- Bidaspa selira (Himalayan red flash)
- Tomares callimachus (red copper)
Subfamily: Aphnaeinae
- Cigaritis epargyros (yellow silverline)
- Cigaritis acamas (tawny silverline or Arab leopard)
- Cigaritis vulcanus (common silverline)
- Cigaritis ictis (common shot silverline)
- Cigaritis elima (scarce shot silverline)
Family Riodinidae (metalmarks)
[edit]Subfamily: Nemeobiinae (punches)
- Dodona durga (common punch)
- Dodona dipoea (lesser punch)
- Dodona eugenes (tailed punch)
Family Hesperiidae (skippers)
[edit]Subfamily: Coeliadinae (awls)
- Bibasis sena (orangetail awl or pale-green awlet)
- Hasora chromus (common banded awl)
- Badamia exclamationis (brown awl)
- Choaspes xanthopogon (similar awlking or Indian awlking)
Subfamily: Pyrginae (spread-winged skippers: flats and angles)
- Celaenorrhinus leucocera (common spotted flat)
- Celaenorrhinus munda (Himalayan spotted flat)
- Sarangesa purendra subspecies pandra (spotted small flat)
- Seseria dohertyi (contiguous seseria or Himalayan white flat)
- Lobocla liliana (marbled flat)
- Tagiades cohaerens subspecies cynthia (Evans's snow flat)
- Caprona agama (spotted angle)
- Caprona alida (yellow-spotted or Alida angle)
Subfamily: Hesperinae (grass skippers: swifts and darts etc.)
- Gomalia elma (marbled skipper or African mallow skipper)
- Spialia galba (Indian skipper or Indian grizzled skipper)
- Spialia sertorius = Syrichtus orbifer carnea (red-underwing skipper or brick skipper)
- Spialia phlomidis (Persian skipper or Balochi skipper)
- Spialia geron = Spialia doris evanida (Aden skipper)
- Muschampia staudingeri (Syrian skipper or streaked skipper)
- Hesperia alpina subspecies alichurensis (mountain skipper)
- Pyrgus cashmirensis (Kashmir skipper)
- Carcharodus altheae (tufted marbled skipper)
- Carcharodus alceae (plain marbled skipper or mallow skipper)
- Nisoniades marloyi (marloyi)
- Erynnis pathan (Chitral inky skipper) [synonym: Nisoniades marloyi ?]
- Aeromachus stigmata (veined scrub hopper)
- Suastus gremius (palm bob)
- Notocrypta feisthamelii (spotted demon)
- Halpe homolea (Indian/Ceylon ace)
- Actinor radians (veined dart)
- Taractrocera danna (Himalayan grass dart)
- Taractrocera maevius (common or Oriental grass dart)
- Potanthus dara (Himalayan dart)
- Telicota bambusae (dark palm dart)
- Telicota colon (pale palm dart or pale-orange darter)
- Pamphila comma (chequered darter or silver-spotted skipper)
- Polytremis eltola (yellow spot swift)
- Polytremis discreta (white-fringed swift or Himalayan swift)
- Pelopidas mathias (dark small-branded swift, small branded swift, lesser millet skipper or black branded swift or rice skipper)
- Pelopidas agna (obscure branded or dark branded swift)
- Pelopidas thrax (white-branded swift)
- Parnara guttata (common straight swift)
- Pseudoborbo bevani (Bevan's swift or lesser rice swift)
- Gegenes nostrodamus (dingy swift, light pygmy skipper or Mediterranean skipper)
- Gegenes pumilio (pygmy swift or pygmy skipper or dark Hottentot)
- Eogenes alcides (alcides skipper or torpedo)
- Eogenes lesliei (Leslie's hopper)
[edit]- Pakistan Agriculture Research Council
- Evans, W. H. (1927). The Identification of Indian Butterflies. The Diocesan Press, Madras: Bombay Natural History Society.
- Koçak, A. O & Kemal, M. (12 July 2014). "Preliminary annotated checklist of the species recorded in Pakistan". Cesa News. Ankara. (96).
- Naz, F.; Ilyas, M.; Ashfaque, M. & Shahzad, A. (2010). "The genus Junonia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Pakistan". Sarhad Journal of Agriculture. 26 (2): 267-270.
- Pages, J. (15 November 2007). "A new Pseudochazara from Pakistan". Nota Lepidopterologica. 30 (2): 361–365. ISSN 0342-7536.
- Pages, J. & Charmeux, J. F. (1 June 2004). "Une nouvelle espèce du genre Turanana du Pakistan (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae); Phegea. 32 (2): 63-69.
- Van Gasse, Paul Butterflies of India – Annotated Checklist.
- Roberts, T. J. (2001). Butterflies of Pakistan, Oxford Univ. Press, 5-Bangalore Town, Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan.
- Ashfaq, M. et al. (2013). "DNA barcode analysis of butterfly species from Pakistan points towards regional endemism". Molecular Ecology Resources. 13 (5): 832-43. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12131