Category:Historical fiction book cover images
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Media in category "Historical fiction book cover images"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 2,775 total.
(previous page) (next page)0–9
- File:1-CoverofSaintChristopherbyEcadeQueiroz.jpg
- File:1st Chatto and Windus edition cover of Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont.jpg
- File:1st edition cover of "Demelza" the novel.png
- File:3 Cheers For Me.jpg
- File:5 quarters orange.jpg
- File:8thRouteArmyStoryBook.jpg
- File:'48 (James Herbert novel - cover art).jpg
- File:54cover uk.jpg
- File:1356 (Bernard Cornwell book - cover).jpg
- File:1601 (Mark Twain).jpg
- File:1812 The Rivers of War.JPG
- File:1824 The Arkansas War.jpg
- File:1862 novel.jpg
- File:1901 novel cover.jpg
- File:1906 novel cover.jpg
- File:1915 A Novel at Gallipoli.jpg
- File:1934 (novel).jpg
- File:Robert Conroy - 1942.jpeg
- File:1945 (Robert Conroy novel - cover art).jpg
- File:Red Inferno 1945.jpg
- File:1980-FiresOfWinter-old.jpg
- File:1987-heartsaflame.jpg
- File:A Blaze of Glory.jpg
- File:A Capitol Death cover UK 2019.jpg
- File:A Chain of Thunder.jpg
- File:A Child's Garden of Verses, Robert Louis Stevenson, first edition Longmans, Green, 1885.png
- File:A Column of Fire.jpg
- File:A Company of Swans.jpg
- File:A Countess Below Stairs.jpg
- File:A Dangerous Encounter.jpg
- File:A Day No Pigs Would Die.gif
- File:A Demon of Our Own Design cover.jpg
- File:A Dictionary of Maqiao.jpg
- File:A Different Drummer (novel).jpg
- File:A Different Flesh.jpg
- File:A Fable (Faulkner novel - cover art).jpg
- File:A fekete város.jpg
- File:A Fine Balance.jpg
- File:A Flight of Pigeons (Ruskin Bond novel - cover art).jpg
- File:A Friendship for Today.jpg
- File:A Gathering of Days.jpg
- File:A God Strolling in the Cool of the Evening cover.jpg
- File:A Good Clean Fight book cover.jpg
- File:A good school yates.jpg
- File:A Journey To The New World, The Diary Of Remember Patience Whipple, Mayflower, 1620 (Dear America Series).jpg
- File:A Legacy (Sybille Bedford novel - cover art).jpg
- File:A Lesson Before Dying novel.jpg
- File:A Long Way from Chicago.jpg
- File:A Lost Lady of Old Years by John Buchan, first edition 1899.jpg
- File:A Maggot book cover.jpg
- File:A Man Was Going Down the Road.png
- File:A Map of Home Cover Page.jpg
- File:A mercy cover.jpg
- File:A Month in the Country 96dpi.jpg
- File:A Northern Light cover.jpg
- File:A Pail of Oysters first edition.jpg
- File:A Paris Apartment book cover.jpg
- File:A Passing Season by Azucena Grajo Uranza book cover.jpg
- File:A Perfect Peace cover.jpg
- File:A Place of Execution - bookcover.jpg
- File:A Place of Greater Safety.jpg
- File:A Prince of the Captivity, Buchan, 1933 cover.png
- File:A Romance of Wastdale by AEW Mason, 1st edition cover 1895.png
- File:A Season in Sinji 96dpi.jpg
- File:A Separate Peace cover.jpg
- File:A Soldier of the Great War -- book cover.jpg
- File:A Soldier's Friend.jpg
- File:A Song for Summer.jpg
- File:A Tract of Time.jpg
- File:A Walk to Remember (Hardcover).jpg
- File:A Wink from the Universe.jpeg
- File:A Year Down Yonder.jpg
- File:A-Bell-for-Adano.jpg
- File:Abba Abba (Burgess novel - cover art).jpg
- File:Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Cover.jpg
- File:Absolution Olaf Olafsson.jpg
- File:Abyss novel.jpg
- File:Abyssinian Chronicles.jpg
- File:AcceptanceWorld.jpg
- File:Account capers.jpg
- File:AConfederateGeneralFromBigSur.JPG
- File:Acts of God.jpg
- File:AdamOfTheRoad.JPG
- File:AdánBuenosayres.jpg
- File:ADangerousFortune.jpg
- File:Adele et la Bete.jpg
- File:Adeline's Dream (Aksomitis novel - cover art).jpg
- File:ADescobertaDaAméricaPelosTurcos.jpg
- File:ADreamOfKings.jpg
- File:ADubiousLegacy.jpg
- File:Affinitycover.jpg
- File:AFlightOfChariots.jpg
- File:AfricanQueen.jpg
- File:After This, by Alice McDermott.JPG
- File:AfterDachau.jpg
- File:Agaguk1958.jpg
- File:Against the Day (1999).jpg
- File:AGameOfHideAndSeek.jpg
- File:AgByzantHT.jpg
- File:AgeOfIronNovel.jpg
- File:Agngnaadi novel front cover.jpg
- File:AGrainOfWheat.jpg
- File:AharonAppelfeld Badenheim1939.jpg
- File:AhButYourLandIsBeautiful.jpg
- File:AHorsemanRidingBy.jpg
- File:AirAndAngels.jpg
- File:AkhenatenDwellerInTruth.jpg
- File:Akhepatar Book Cover.jpeg
- File:Al Capone Does My Shirts cover.JPG
- File:Alamut1.jpg
- File:ALeafInTheStorm.jpg
- File:Alessandro baricco silk pb.jpg
- File:Alexander child of a dream.jpg
- File:Alexander the ends of the earth.jpg
- File:Alexander the sands of ammon.jpg
- File:AlexRipley Scarlett.jpg
- File:AliasGrace.jpg
- File:Alienist-thumb.jpg
- File:Alistair Maclean – Partisans.jpg
- File:Alistair Maclean – San Andreas.jpg
- File:Alistair MacLean Force 10 From Navarone.jpg
- File:All the Light We Cannot See (Doerr novel).jpg
- File:Allan Massie - Augustus.jpeg
- File:Alltheearththrowntothesky.jpg
- File:AllThingsBetrayThee.jpg
- File:Amazingadventuresbook.jpg
- File:American Woman (Susan Choi novel).jpg
- File:AmericanBeautyFerber.jpg
- File:Americanizationofemily.jpg
- File:AmericanPastoral.jpg
- File:Amin Maalouf Leo Africanus.png
- File:AMomentInTime.jpg
- File:Amongst Women (Hardback Cover).jpg
- File:Amos Fortune.jpg
- File:AmyTan TheHundredSecretSenses.jpg
- File:An Angel in Australia front book cover.jpg
- File:An Awfully Big Adventure.jpg
- File:An Elephant for Aristotle.jpg
- File:An Infinity of Mirrors Hardback.jpg
- File:An Infinity of Mirrors Paperback.jpg
- File:AnActOfTerror.jpg
- File:AncientEvenings.jpg
- File:And Berry Came Too, Yates, 1936.jpg
- File:And Every Day Was Overcast by Paul Kwiatkowski.png
- File:Andersonville1sted.jpg
- File:Andrew Miller - Casanova.jpg
- File:Andrew Miller - Pure.jpg
- File:AndTheRainMyDrink.jpg
- File:ANewAthens.jpg
- File:Angelandapostle.jpg
- File:AnImaginaryLife.jpg
- File:Ann Rinaldi - A Break With Charity A Story About the Salem Witch Trials.jpeg
- File:Ann Rinaldi - An Acquaintance with Darkness.jpeg
- File:AnneGolon AngeliqueTheMarquiseOfAngels.jpg
- File:AntoniaForest TheMarlowsAndTheTraitor.jpg
- File:Antonietta.jpg
- File:Antonio and David cover.jpg
- File:Any God Will Do cover.jpg
- File:AnyaSeton GreenDarkness.jpg
- File:AnyHumanHeart.jpg
- File:AnyOldIron.jpg
- File:Appointment with Venus novel.jpg
- File:The Apprentice cover.jpg
- File:AQuestionOfUpbringing.jpg
- File:AQuiverFullOfArrows.jpg
- File:Aravindadiga newnovel.jpg
- File:ArchOfTriumph.jpg
- File:Argall.jpg
- File:Armageddon - A Novel of Berlin front book cover.jpg
- File:ArrivalAndDeparture.JPG
- File:ArrowOfGod.jpg
- File:Arrows of hercules.jpg
- File:ArthurRex.jpg
- File:ArtistOfTheFloatingWorld.jpg
- File:ASeaSoFar318x475.jpg
- File:Ash Garden.jpg
- File:Asherlev cover.jpg
- File:Ashoka the great.jpg
- File:AskTheDust.jpg
- File:ASpecialProvidence.jpg
- File:ASpellOfWinter.JPG
- File:ASportOfNature.jpg
- File:ASpyOfNapoleon.jpg
- File:Assegai by wilbur smith.jpg
- File:AStarCalledHenry.jpg
- File:Asuitableboy.jpg
- File:At Freddie's, Fitzgerald 1st edn cover, 1982.png
- File:At the Villa Rose, Mason, 1st edn 1910, cover.png
- File:ATaleOfTimeCity.jpg
- File:AtLadyMollys.jpg
- File:Atomsk.jpg
- File:Atonement (novel).jpg
- File:ATreeFullOfStars.jpg
- File:AttheEndoftheWorldcover.jpg
- File:ATwistInTheTale.jpg
- File:Augustusbookcover.jpg
- File:AuntJanesNiecesInTheRedCross.jpg
- File:Austerlitz novel cover.png